Aerial Cable Systems Resources

Aerial Cable Systems Resources

75°C Spacer Cable Cut Sheets

Conductor Size
69-115 kV
Inquire for additional sizes

AAAC Tree Wire Cut Sheets

Conductor Size
Inquire for additional sizes

ACSR Tree Wire Cut Sheets

Conductor Size
Inquire for additional sizes

Spacer Spec Sheets

Part Number
Three phase spacer for 15kV
Three phase spacer for 15kV used in steep grade and long span applications
Single phase spacer
Single phase spacer for up to 20kV used in steep grade and long span applications
Single phase spacer for up to 20KV
Three phase spacer for any voltage through 46kV
Three phase spacer for voltages through 46kV used in steep grade and long span ap
Three phase spacer for 46kV
Three phase spacer for 46kV used in steep grade and long span applications
Three phase spacer for 69kV
Three phase spacer for 115kV

Messenger Spec Sheets

Part Number
7#8 AW Alumoweld Aluminum Messenger Wire – #4 equivalent conductivity
052 AWA Alumoweld Aluminum Messenger Wire – 1/0 equivalent conductivity
7#6 AW Alumoweld Messenger Wire – #2 equivalent conductivity
0052 AWA Alumoweld Aluminum Messenger Wire – 2/0 equivalent conductivity
0000127 AWA Alumoweld Aluminum Messenger Wire – 4/0 equivalent conductivity
19#8 AW Alumoweld Messenger Wire – 1/0 equivalent conductivity
Inquire for additional sizes

Tap Wire Spec Sheets

Wire Size

Ground Wire Spec Sheet

Wire Size

Tie Wire Spec Sheet

Wire Size

Bracket Spec Sheets

Part Number
Tangent bracket for 15kV and below
Tangent bracket for 46kV and below
Anti-sway bracket mounted to front of pole
Anti-sway bracket mounted to side of pole
Anti-sway bracket with extra leakage distance mounted to side of pole
Stirrup for use with any tangent bracket
Messenger clamp used on tangent brackets
Angle bracket for 15kV and below
Angle bracket for 46kV and below
Angle bracket used on structures where line angle does not exceed 60 degrees for 15kV and below
Angle bracket used on structures where line angle does not exceed 60 degrees for 25kV – 46kV
Double circuit angle brackets from 15kV – 46kV
Horizontal bracket
Pole cornering plate
Dead-End bracket
Vertical tap bracket
Transformer tap bracket
Stringing angle clamp

Hardware Spec Sheets

Part Number
Messenger angle clamp
Messenger angle clamp
Double insulator plate
Shirt shank insulator pin
Long shank insulator pin
Shackle clevis
Thimble Clevis
Heavy duty thimble clevis
15kV polymer dead-end insulator
25kV polymer dead-end insulator
35kV polymer dead-end insulator

Assembly Drawings

Typical Single Phase Tangent Construction- Line Angles 0-6 Degrees
Single Phase Dead-End with Underground Riser
Single Phase Angle Construction- Line Angles 61-90 Degrees
Single Phase Lateral Tap Using Tangent Brackets
Single Phase Angle Construction- Line Angles 7-60 Degrees
Typical Single Phase Tap From Bare Wire
Typical Single Phase Dead-End
Tangent Double Dead-End
Steep Grade Construction Using BM-14- Line Angles 0-6 Degrees, Elevation Change 20 Degrees
Single Phase Dead-End Transition to Bare
Single Phase Tangent Construction
Angle Construction Using BA3-XX- Line Angles 7-60 Degrees
Angle Construction Using BA4-XX- Line Angles 7-60 Degrees
Transformer Tap Pole Construction
3-Phase Primary Tangent
Construction Using BA3-XX & 2IP Plates- Line Angles 61-90 Degrees
Dead-End Transition: Spacer Cable to Bare Wire
Messenger Dead-End for Long Spans
3-Phase Lateral Tap Construction Using BV-35- Line Angles 0-6 Degrees
Typical Dead-End Construction
Dead-End Construction with Underground Riser
Dead-End Angle Construction- Double Circuit
Tangent, Double Dead-End Construction
Inside Angle Construction Using BA4-XX- Line Angles 7-60 Degrees
3-Phase Primary Tangent
3-Phase Primary Deadend Bare Wire to Spacer Cable
Vertical Double Dead-Ends- Line Angles 61-90 Degrees
3-Phase Primary Dead-End
Cross-Arm Double Dead-End
3-Phase Riser on Tangent Location- Line Angles 0-6 Degrees
3-Phase Primary Double Deadend Vertical Configuration
Inside Angle Construction Using BA3-35
Tangent Construction With BA3-XX- Line Angles 0-6 Degrees
3-Phase Transformer Tap- Line Angles 0-6 Degrees
Single Phase Open Wire Tap From Tangent Construction
Transformer Tap on Angle Construction Using BA4-15- Line Angles 7-60 Degrees
Cross-Arm Dead-End Construction with Underground Riser
Vertical Double Dead-Ends Using Guy Strain Insulators
Tangent Pole Using Alley Arm Construction- Line Angles 0-6 Degrees
3-Phase Primary Double Deadend Crossarm (Wood) with 3-Phase Equpment Tap
Tangent Cross-Arm Construction Using BM-XX- Line Angles 0-6 Degrees
Buck Arm Double Dead-End Transition Spacer Cable to Bare
Buck Arm Double Cross-Arm Construction
Angle Construction Using PSAC & BA3-XX- Line Angles 7-60 Degrees
3-Phase Primary Tangent Vertical Configuration
3-Phase Primary Tangent Vertical Configuration
3-Phase Primary Double Deadend Vertical Configuration
3-Phase Primary Double Deadend Vertical Configuration
3-Phase Primary Double Deadend Vertical Configuration
3-Phase Primary Bear Transition Vertical Configuration
3-Phase Primary Deadend Vertical Configuration
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